for hoteliers:
Digitalization and innovation in one place
Your journey to perfect hotel experience.
Find out moreVaša pot do popolne hotelske izkušnje
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MC sistemi in Hopguides
V dobi digitalizacije je vaše spletno mesto vaša digitalna vizitka. Naše poslanstvo je, da vašo vizijo prenesemo v digitalno realnost z uporabo najnovejših tehnologij in trendov v spletnem razvoju.
“Kot ustvarjalec te spletne strani o hotelirstvu sem izjemno ponosen, da lahko predstavim, kako umetna inteligenca revolucionira našo industrijo. Naš cilj je bil vedno zagotoviti vpogled v najnovejše trende in inovacije, pri čemer posebno pozornost namenjamo vlogi AI pri personalizaciji gostinskih izkušenj in optimizaciji hotelskega poslovanja
Matej Cvikl, SmartHotel AI
Hotel PMS: The Core of Seamless Operations
Efficient hotel management starts with a powerful Property Management System (PMS). Trusted by over 250 regional hotels and 15,000+ globally, our PMS solution streamlines operations, integrates payment processing, and enhances connectivity, ensuring all essential functions work harmoniously as a unified system.
**Discover how our PMS can transform your hotel’s efficiency.**
Our services include
PMS systems tailored to hotel's needs
Integration of PMS and payments
Local support and legal compliance
Advanced Building Automation Systems
Our cutting-edge Building Management System (BMS) serves as the backbone for all building operations, seamlessly connecting every system within your hotel. Leveraging digital twin technology, our BMS incorporates machine learning and AI, enabling optimal performance and energy efficiency.
**Revolutionize your hotel's infrastructure management with our smart BMS solutions.**
Our services include
Production & Design
Research & Development
Service & Maintenance
Digital Services
Reliable Hotel Communication Services
Enhance guest satisfaction with high-performance communication solutions tailored to your hotel’s needs. From WiFi to IPTV, our solutions ensure visitors experience reliable, top-tier service that keeps them connected.
**Elevate your guest experience with communication solutions crafted for quality and dependability.**
Our services include
Communication solutions
Enhance user experience
WiFi solutions, Telephony, ipTV
Digital Concierge: Empower Guests at Their Fingertips
Delight guests with a digital concierge that makes exploring hotel amenities and services effortless. Our solution helps them access everything from room service to local recommendations directly from their phone, enhancing convenience and engagement.
**Make every stay memorable with our digital concierge.**
Our services include
Upsell and streamline the hotel services
Use the power of guest app with push messages
Interactive Digital Guide for Memorable Travel Experiences
Offer your guests an immersive guide that transforms travel into a personalized adventure. With multilingual video guides and automated partnerships with local businesses, your guests can explore destinations authentically and independently.
**Engage travelers with tailored experiences that resonate with each destination’s spirit.**
Our services include
Digital tour guides
Multilingual guides created with AI tools
Great upsell tools to enhance guest satisfaction
Outsourced Financial & IT Services for Better Efficiency
Streamline your hotel’s operations with our cost-effective outsourcing for accounting, payroll, and IT security. Let experts handle essential tasks, reducing overhead and ensuring high-quality support at a fraction of the cost.
**Optimize your operations and focus on what you do best – hospitality.**
Our services include
Accounting services
Payroll service
IT services: security - ERP - hosting - HW
Direct Sales Through Your Own Optimized Website
Unlock new revenue channels by empowering your website to act as a direct booking engine. With a fully optimized website, booking engine, and SEO strategy, you can increase direct bookings and reduce OTA commissions.
**Take control of your online sales and boost profitability.**
Our services include
Web site design & optimisation
Booking engine integration
High quality online hospitality solutions
Hotel PMS: The Core of Seamless Operations
Z nami sodeluje preko 250 hotelov v regiji, medtem ko globalno Protel PMS uporablja 15.000 hotelov. Upravljajte vse na enem mestu: od rezervacije, prijave/odjave gostov, cenike, zaračunavanje storitev, davčne evidence in analitiko uspešnosti. Za hitro, učinkovito in sodobno hotelsko upravljanje preko oblaka ali strežnika. Možnost dopolnitve z aplikacijo za goste in podporne službe (housekeeping).
Advanced Building Automation Systems
Our cutting-edge Building Management System (BMS) serves as the backbone for all building operations, seamlessly connecting every system within your hotel. Leveraging digital twin technology, our BMS incorporates machine learning and AI, enabling optimal performance and energy efficiency. **Revolutionize your hotel's infrastructure management with our smart BMS solutions.
Reliable Hotel Communication Services
Enhance guest satisfaction with high-performance communication solutions tailored to your hotel’s needs. From WiFi to IPTV, our solutions ensure visitors experience reliable, top-tier service that keeps them connected. **Elevate your guest experience with communication solutions crafted for quality and dependability.
Digital Concierge: Empower Guests at Their Fingertips
Delight guests with a digital concierge that makes exploring hotel amenities and services effortless. Our solution helps them access everything from room service to local recommendations directly from their phone, enhancing convenience and engagement. **Make every stay memorable with our digital concierge.**
Interactive Digital Guide for Memorable Travel Experiences
Z nami sodeluje preko 250 hotelov v regiji, medtem ko globalno Protel PMS uporablja 15.000 hotelov.
ed Financial & IT Services for Better Efficiency
Streamline your hotel’s operations with our cost-effective outsourcing for accounting, payroll, and IT security. Let experts handle essential tasks, reducing overhead and ensuring high-quality support at a fraction of the cost. **Optimize your operations and focus on what you do best – hospitality.**
Direct Sales Through Your Own Optimized Website
Unlock new revenue channels by empowering your website to act as a direct booking engine. With a fully optimized website, booking engine, and SEO strategy, you can increase direct bookings and reduce OTA commissions. **Take control of your online sales and boost profitability.**
Naše storitve obsegajo
Celovite PMS sisteme
Integracija na plačilni sistem kreditnih kartic
Lokalno podporo za hitro reševanje težav
Najboljša orodja za hotele na enem mestu
AI podprta komunikacija za vaše goste
Izdelamo video navodila in priporočila za vaše goste, nikoli več ne bo vaš gost ostal brez informacij. Do njih pa enostavno dostopajo preko QR kod.
SEO vsebina za hotelske strani
Bodite najdeni kot prvi v vašem kraju in preusmerite goste direktno na vašo spletno stran
Protel PMS
Programska operema za učinkovito upravljanje hotelov.
Enostavno procesiranje plačil
Protel v partnerstvu s podjetjem PLANET, vodilnim podjetjem v svetu plačil, zagotavlja najkakovostnejše plačilne sisteme znotraj Protel PMS-a.
Why choose us?
Expertise & Experience
Our team consists of experienced professionals who continuously educate themselves on the latest technologies and trends in hospitality IT development.
Tailored solutions
We understand that every brand is unique. We offer fully tailored solutions designed to meet your specific needs and goals.
Transparency and Communication
We believe in open and honest communication with our clients. Throughout the development process, we will keep you informed about progress and ensure that the final product meets your expectations.
Support & Maintenance
Our commitment to you doesn't end with the launch of your website. We offer comprehensive support and maintenance services to ensure your website remains up-to-date, secure, and efficient.
Ponudba Paketov za Spletne Strani
Naša ponudba vključuje tri različne pakete za izdelavo spletnih strani, ki so prilagojeni potrebam in željam naših strank. Spodaj so podrobno predstavljeni paketi Mini, Standard, in Premium.
Storitve Fotografiranja in Video Produkcije
Poleg spletnih paketov nudimo tudi storitve fotografiranja in video produkcije, ki pomagajo pri vizualni predstavitvi vašega hotela.
Imidž video
Uporabna Vsebina
Odkrijte uporabno vsebino in si preberite članke iz različnih kategorij
Digitalizirajte svoje poslovanje zdaj
Z našimi rešitvami boste dosegli večjo zadovoljstvo gostov z manj zaposlenimi in nižjimi stroški